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Creation of an Urban and Regional Development Agency in the North of Lebanon

Tripoli, Lebanon

2019 - Ongoing
Action PlansLocal Development PlanMunicipal DevelopmentStrategy

Project Description

Approach Words: Capacity Building, Strategic Planning, Urban Livability

Public Policy Instruments: Communicative, Financial Mechanism, Organization, Physical Intervention, Planning

The creation of an Urban and Regional development agency is an initiative that enables the municipalities of the Abu Ali basin region in North Lebanon to guide the development of their territory at the regional scale.1 2 Specifically, this agency will have a coordinating role between different regional actors regarding planning and governing the territory through an integrated urban planning approach.3
This initiative aims to strengthen local governance for the municipalities in this region and to establish a shared vision that guides the urban development of the region4 through enhancing municipalities’ understanding of the territory and its key stakeholders, facilitating reflection and exchange on regional issues, and collaboratively defining and implementing strategies.5 This initiative aspires to act as a model that can be replicated in other Lebanese regions and seeks to create a network of urban agencies on a national level.6 7

Title: Planning Framework for Initiating Partnerships.

Source: Click Here

Title: Workshop with the Municipality of Zgharta/Ehden During the Creation of the Agency.

Source: Click Here

Title: The Urban and Regional Development Agency Partners.

Source: Click Here

Title: Community Engagement During Drafting a Shared Vision for Zgharta / Ehden Area.

Source: Click Here

To implement its goals, a phasing strategy was proposed for the creation and work process of the urban and regional development agency. This strategy is composed of three phases:

  • Phase 1 (2020, 6-month period): Preparing studies on the legal and financial aspects of establishing the agency, conducting research to identify suitable human resource for the agency, and identifying partners.8
  • Phase 2 (2020, 6-month period): Establishing the institutional/managerial structure of the agency and the framework for recruitment and operational functioning.9
  • Phase 3 (2021, 18-month period): Initiating workshops to identify key themes that municipalities would work on, drafting a plan for partnership, and implementing initial projects.10

Four projects were proposed for the agency to undertake with partners: strategic planning, river management, waste management, and urban renovation services.11 Each project includes a range of activities as follows:

  • Strategic Plan: This plan identifies priority actions and projects to be implemented. It consists of two outcomes: a map of the territory and a strategic planning document.12
  • River Management: It focuses on managing, operating, and preserving the Abu Ali River. The agency’s role is to prepare a multidisciplinary study on the Abu Ali River regarding pollution, water management, waste, and flood issues. The study will include three outcomes: an action program for river pollution, an action program for water treatment, and an action program for environmental protection.13
  • Waste Management: It includes a three-pronged action plan: modernization of existing infrastructure, development of additional infrastructure, and involvement and awareness-raising of citizens.14
  • Urban Renovation: It addresses the challenges of deteriorating housing municipalities face. The agency’s role is to conduct a diagnosis and present proposals related to the definition of an urban renewal project and financial assistance from municipalities to building owners.15

The project also proposes a financial model to help municipalities secure funding from local and international donors and the state to implement the action plan and activities of the different themes.16

The project adopts a participatory approach by encouraging community engagement throughout the different stages of establishing the agency through conferences, workshops, debates, and publications.17

The project is initiated by United Cities Lebanon/Technical Office of Lebanese Cities, in partnership with the Urban Community of Dunkirk, the Grand Port of Dunkirk, the municipalities of Zgharta/Ehden and Tripoli, as well as with the National Federation of French Urban Planning Agencies and the Urban Planning and Development Agency of the Flanders-Dunkirk Region (AGUR).18 The projects and studies that will be conducted and implemented will be funded through multiple funding types, such as internal funds of the agency, donor financing, and financing from partners.19 Additionally, the partners co-finance the agency’s basic operations.20

Project Link, Endnotes and References

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