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Media Center

The Media Center of the AUDI contributes to the production and release of media materials through various audio-visual means, which highlights the efforts of the AUDI and its network of partners in advancing urban development practices in the Arab world.

Mudununa newsletter is a bilingual and bi-monthly publication that provides regular communication to our partners from cities, municipalities, development organizations and universities. Mudununa consists of four sections:

  • An Interview: We interview mayors on a thematic issue.
  • Urban Insight: We share the ideas of urban experts.
  • Cities in Action: We highlight the most prominent urban practices and projects from various cities.
  • AUDI’s News: We share our latest events, activities, and projects.

Mudununa newsletter is a bilingual and bi-monthly publication that provides regular communication to our partners from cities, municipalities, development organizations and universities. Mudununa consists of an Interview, Urban Insight, Cities in Action, and AUDI’s News.

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